Journal Entry 1

Hello! My name is August Matthew Auggie. I was born with a face deform called Treacher Collins syndrome. I have had many many surgeries in my life.   I have been home schooled till fifth grade, until my parents decided they wanted me to go to school. I didn't want to go to school, but eventually I decided to tour the school to see if I wanted to go there. There I met the principal Mr. Tushman, Jack Will, a student, Charlotte, another student, and Julian, the rude student. Jack Will was real nice unlike Julian, Charlotte was nice to. When I got into school Jack Will sat next to me in every class we were with each other. In one class we were moved because we were talking to much. Kids treated me unkindly at school, and it took a couple of months for kids to get used to me. But then eventually it became Halloween. I was supposed to be Boba Fett but decided to be Bloody Scream from last year. Everyone thought I was going to be Boba Fett so Jack didn't know it was me, so I heard him talking about me without him knowing. I learned he only talked and hung out because Mr. Tushman told him to. He eventually starts hanging out with summer instead. Then later we figure out that our dog Daisy was sick and later was put to sleep. Things seemed bad until he got a new puppy, a incident at a camp got me popular, has a solid friend group, then eventually I got the award for courage and kindness at school.