Diary Entry: First day of school

Dear Diary,
Today is my first day of school and I'm really scared to go. I don't know what to say, do, or act around other children. If I don't like it I'm going to ask if I can quit it and continue to be home schooled. Some people might make fun of me or even be rude to me. So after school today I will come back and write how school was.

Dear Diary,

School was great! Besides people staring at me and talking behind my back, it was great. Jack Will is really nice and he sat next to me in every class section we had together. Other people did not want to sit next to me though and the person the other person that had to sit next to me didn't even talk to me though. I have a teacher in English names Thomas Browne. He was friendly, and I met someone named Summer. She was really nice and sat next to me at lunch. She wanted a table where only people with summer related names could sit at our table. But we allowed certain people without certain names like Jack and others. I'm really excited to go to school tomorrow, and hopefully its even better.